Wednesday 26 August 2009

The Mardi Gras Cat

Had a home and people Where did they go?
Had a home and people Where did they go?
Took their goods;turned the key;
Never gave a thought to me.
I was a lost thing until I met my Beau,
My black cat Beau.

“Honey, you're too pretty
To rough it on your own.
This is a fine city
But only a cat that's streetwise
Can make it here alone.”

He showed me secret places
Where we kept warm and dry.
We shared a crawfish waffle
And a slice of oyster pie.

But at Madris Gras a voice said;
“ Black cat! A good luck giver!”
A hand reached out and snatched him.
They took him down the river.
That's how we got parted,
That’s why I'm broken hearted.

Looked for him up Rampart
And down Dauphine.
That cat must be somewhere
In New Orleans.
Asked the Mississippi
“Is he down below?”
“Sorry girlie-like to help-
But I ain't got your Beau.
But I ain't got your Beau.

Sun went down the west side
Sky was smoky red.
Dreamed I heard him calling,
This is what he said:

“Where you got to, baby?
Been searching low and high.
Got to find you somewhere,
Don’t like to lee you cry.
I'm a long way from the old place.
Wish that I can fly.
But wait for me, don't wander;
I'll be there by and by.
We'll share a crawfish waffle
And a slice of oyster pie.”

Will he come at sunrise?
Will he come at noon?
Black beau, comes soon.